Dual Band Vehicular Antenna 2.2-2.5GHz & 4.4-5.0 GHz MVDP2.2-2.5/4.4-5.0-6-V (1Y48350) The MVDP2.2-2.5/4.4-5.0-6-V antenna is designed to be used with Mobile-Networked MIMO (MN-MIMO) communications systems where reliability is needed most. This antenna works with...
Marine Cellular Antenna 698-2600 MHz MADP698X4AB (1Y55250) The Hascall-Denke MADP698X4AB is a rugged and durable marine grade antenna designed to cover ALL cellular/LTE bands from 698-2700 MHz. Providing spectrum coverage, this is the ideal antenna for tactical,...
S/C Band Antenna 2200-2500 & 4400-5000 MHz – MPDP2.2-2.5/4.4-5.0 (1Y55050) The MPDP2.2-2.5/4.4-5.0 is a dual band antenna, designed to be used in military manpack, commercial, andother body, vest or handheld mounted applications where reliability is needed most....
L/S Dual Band Antenna 1350-1440 & 2200-2500 MHz – MPDP1.3-2.5 (1Y54950) The Hascall-Denke MPDP1.3-2.5 is a dual band antenna, designed to be used with all radios andcommunications platforms operating within the 1350-1440 & 2200-2500 MHz bands. Built robust and...
Fixed Broadband Antenna 20-1000 MHz – FXMP20X50AB (1Y54600A) The FXMP20X50AB is a rugged broadband monopole antenna that can be used in any fixed mount application. It is designed to give optimum performance between 20-1000 MHz band with a VSWR of less than 3:1.The...